the intersection of art & technology

a place for the creative technologists in sf.

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tiat 10

Images from event 10

recording coming soon

latent fields ​rishi pandey
music explorer / little guy daniel kuntz
rat dating simulator connie ye
a poem alicia guo
roombavision taylor tabb & adnan aga
square powder claw halim madi
vocoder julip
latent space image variation gray crawford
kiko kyt
lasers are the message brendan luu

tiat 9

Images from event 9

watch the recording

body language ash herr
AcknowledgeNET spencer chang
knit soundscape/memory jessica kim
bop spotter riley walz
ratatouille irl athena leong
strange loops ninon hollanderski
advice line proj danielle egan
duump site ven qiu
daily sketching zach lieberman
himala (miracle) chia amisola

tiat 8

Images from event 8

watch the recording

anti-aging software ash herr
music millennium melisa seah
UR-AURA sharon zheng
we called us poetry halim madi
chinese cyberfeminism archive crassula shang
biotopy ​​darren zhu
random drums ​jeanette andrews
1-bit halftone thermal printing evan sirchuk
binaural tuner dan gorelick
and you'll miss it henry tran

tiat 7

Images from event 7
vent ash herr
ratio ​johan ismael / david grunzweig
fred again app claire wang
everything interface alessio grancini
qigong, magic wave koi ren
hotvinebhotline taylor tabb

tiat 6

Images from event 6
diffusion grown card decks marisa lu
garden of ancients jeffrey yip
breathe together megan van weilie
data sensing toolkit scott kildall
GPT-me avital meshi
dataset butoh noah aust
fluid sculpture danny so-haeg
synesthetic perceptions amanda yeh
last seen online henry tran
body output digital interface taylor tabb
cyber taoism dream - zhuangzi's butterfly inception lin xinye
call this # now cole ryder

tiat 5

Images from event 5
you're never lonely on wikipedia ash herr
improv joe baker
flow fields rishi pandey
dis//continuity joey verbeke
reVerb sara
shapes at play bonnie pham
elevator pitch marc
ai drawing experiments james hurlburt
visual synth experiments koven kawandeep
the healing room mingzhu heseri
church of GPT zain shah
mid conversation leia chang

tiat 4

Images from event 4
resonant frequency joe baker
spider trap sri
overruled cody
dawn ritwik
lumi vignesh rajmohan
candle !holder leia chang
memory, love, and the handmade alexa ann bonomo
bespoke evan dorsky
sound werkshop chris guichet

tiat 3

Images from event 3
simulated validation henry tran
bitcube justine sun dela cruz
musai jake mclain
letters from a stranger mylene tu
light + code experiments dan gorelick
light it up marisa lu

tiat 2

Images from event 2
dataviz ara
huddler jordan
break eric lum
impulse daniel
wide views gray crawford
acrylic celeste
projects mitch chaiet

tiat 1

Images from event 1
coffee sada ali
dating gpt henry tran
streamwork jared hsu
dial gpt george
mit: regressions luke igel
latent expressionism nicholas bardy